I made two separate bento today, one for my daughter and one for my husband. I am not going to do that again. I did not allow myself the time that I needed, so I had to rush to make sure we left for school on time. As a result, my work wasn't as nice as I would have liked.
I was going to make the Totoro bento for my daughter, but when I showed her a picture from Google Images, where I got the idea, she didn't recognize Totoro right away. I wanted to make it anyway, so I made it for my husband. The chu Totoro's are made from inari skins. I used two quail eggs for the chibi Totoro's, and wrapped nori about rice balls for the makurokuroske. All have fish cake and nori detail. I took the picture before I organized more nicely. In addition, I have mushrooms, egg, and a potato, hamburger, onion, and peas concoction that was supposed to have been korroke, but I failed miserably at deep frying the korroke. However, the mixture still tasted good without being deep friend. :)
Again, I made inari and used quail eggs for heads, arms, and legs. Shredded paper thin egg for body. One quail egg has a radish for a hat. Detailed with nori. Also added cucumber, grapes, and my failed korroke. I still REALLY need to work on presentation.