Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Jang Jorim Bento

This was probably one of my favorite foods as a child. My mom would make it for me. It is a really salty beef that you shred and eat with rice. Here is the link to the recipe from Korean Cuisine. http://korean-cuisine.blogspot.com/2008/09/jang-jo-rim.html My children LOVED this.

The Jang Jorim is in the silicone heart. There are some sliced marinated eggs that were cooked with the meat, vinegar and soy marinated cucumbers, baby carrots and rice.

The same in Bryce's box.

Here are the bento boxes I used.

I have to tell you, my bento box buying reprieve has ended. I have a really great new stash of boxes that I will be posting soon.


Minjenah said...

YEAH! Bring on the cutie cutie cute boxes!

Marie said...

Loooove jang jorim! The store bought stuff is nowhere near as good as the mom-made stuff of my childhood. Your kids sure are lucky! :)